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时间:2015年10月13日 星期二 15:00-17:00
报告人:迈克尔·A.莱博维奇(Michael A. Lebowitz) 

摘要:Why should socialist accounting be different from capitalist accounting? Capitalist accounting considers transactions in the market. It measures the quantity of goods and services exchanged in the market at market prices. Within capitalism, capitalist accounting provides a record of the capitalist economy and the non-capitalist economy as if it were carried out by capitalist firms. There are some well-known problems associated with capitalist national accounting. Many occur because capitalist accounting focuses upon exchange values and not upon use values. This means that there`s no consideration of negative use values. When there are joint products of a process of production and only one of these is reflected in market transactions, then capitalist accounting yields results that lose all connection to the welfare of society. If we acknowledge the error of not considering the effects upon nature of particular economic activities, what else are we missing? The answer should be obvious to anyone who has read Karl Marx`s DAS CAPITAL. The second product—human beings. That missing second product is what I want to explore here.

报告人简介:迈克尔·A.莱博维奇教授1937年出生于美国,是著名马克思主义经济学家。他最为著名的著作《超越<资本论>:马克思的工人阶级政治经济学》曾获2004年马克思传统最优秀著作奖 。他对世界各国的社会主义探索也有深刻研究。 从1965年开始,莱博维奇教授在加拿大Simon Fraser大学经济系任教,现为该校荣休教授。

新葡京官方 2015-10-11