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[劳动经济学研讨会]The Use and Impact of Job Search Procedures by Migrant Workers in China


         劳动经济学研讨会          (总第44期)          
      【时间】2017年4月24日(周一)18:00-19:30          【地点】明德主楼734会议室          【主题】The Use and Impact of Job Search Procedures by Migrant Workers in China          【主讲】方涛教授(纽芬兰纪念大学 Stephen Jarislowsky 讲席教授)          
         【Abstract】Job search procedures are a form of human capital investment in which they involve current investments to enhance future returns in that they are analogous to human capital investments in areas such as education, training and mobility that yield future returns.  While the theoretical and empirical literature on job search is extensive, most of it involves developed countries.  There is less on developing countries and very little on China involving migrant workers in spite of their growing practical and policy importance and the fact that they are constantly engaging in job search.  This paper examines the use and impact of job search procedures used by migrant workers in China by taking advantage of a rich data set on migrant workers in China that has information on their job search procedure as well as a wide array of other personal and human capital characteristics.  Our OLS estimates indicate that there is no effect on earnings of using informal versus formal job search procedures for migrant workers in China.  However, our IV results suggest that the OLS estimates are subject to severe selection bias from the fact that the choice of job search procedure is endogenous, associated with unobservable factors that affect the choice of informal versus formal procedures and that affect the earnings outcome.  Our three different IV estimates designed to deal with this bias indicate that informal procedures (various aspects of family and friends) are associated with earnings that are 43 to 49 percent below the uses of more formal procedures.  The decomposition results indicate that the most important variable contributing to pay advantage of those who use formal as opposed to informal procedures is education.  In sum, our results suggest that policies to encourage or facilitate migrant workers using more formal job search procedures and reducing barriers that compel them to rely on informal procedures can yield better job matches with higher earnings.                                主讲人简介:方涛教授在多伦多大学取得劳资关系和人力资源管理专业博士学位,现任纽芬兰纪念大学 Stephen Jarislowsky 讲席教授, 加拿大多伦多大学和澳大利亚莫纳什大学兼职教授,美国新泽西大学 J. Robert Beyster 研究员, 世界银行“移民与发展”专家询委员会专家。他曾担任美国哈佛大学访问教授,沃顿商新葡京官方 访问教授、约克大学人力资源管理与劳资关系终身教授。他是中国留美经济学会前任会长。同时他还是多伦多大学、香港城市大学、澳门大学、清华大学、复旦大学、西南财经大学以及中国地质大学的客座教授。2010 年,他入选湖北省“楚天学者”。2017 年,他当选为英国皇家艺术院 Fellow (FRSA, Royal Society of Arts)。              方涛教授在多伦多大学取得劳资关系和人力资源管理专业博士学位。他在《战略管理杂志》、《加拿大经济杂志》、《中国经济评论》、《亚洲经济杂志》、《工业与劳动关系评论》(康奈尔)、《劳资关系》(伯克利)、《世界商务杂志》、《国际人力资源管理杂志》、《加拿大公共政策》、英国《劳资关系杂志》(伦敦新葡京官方 )、《劳动研究》、《IZA 劳动政策杂志》、《IZA 劳动世界》、《国际人力杂志》、《管理史杂志》、《社会指标研究》以及《透视劳工及收入》等刊物均有发表。方涛博士在加拿大获得了社会人文科学委员会颁发的 12 项研究奖项和由人力资源管理与加拿大人力资源与技能开发部授予的 5 项研究拨款, 总数四百万加元。2015 年获聘纽芬兰纪念大学 Stephen Jarislowsky 讲席教授,他接受了由 Stephen Jarislowsky 基金会和纽芬兰省政府及私人两百万加元的捐赠。