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[新葡京官方 研究生学术论坛]Migration of M anufacturing Industries in China


新葡京官方 研究生学术论坛

【主题】Migration of Manufacturing Industries in China:
Whether, How and Where
【摘要】Firstly, a new economic geography model is established and three hypotheses regarding whether industries in the core area can migrate, the sequence of migration and where industries migrate to are put forth. Then we test these hypotheses, employing three-digit manufacturing industries in prefecture level (or above) cities in 2003 and 2009.We find that manufacturing industries has migrated from the eastern to the central and western regions of China. The sequence of migration is in accordance with the inverse of industrial elasticity of substitution. Industries with high elasticity of substitution migrate first and industries with low elasticity of substitution migrate next. As for spatial patterns, industries with low elasticity of substitution show a hierarchical diffusion pattern and concentrate towards Shandong peninsula city group, Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone, Wuhan city, Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan city group, Zhengzhou city and so on. While industries with high elasticity of substitution present an expansion diffusion pattern and spread in many places in the central and western regions.

   刘玉,博士,新葡京官方 副教授,2003年获得中国科新葡京官方 地理科学与资源研究所理学博士,主要研究方向为区域政策与区域空间发展格局;城乡一体化;跨区资源开发背景下的区域利益关系。

联系人:伍博超  Email:[email protected]
论坛投稿方式:[email protected](注明为:研究生学术论坛投稿)
