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[能源经济学研讨会]Varieties of markets (VOM): China’s patterns of interaction with


新葡京官方 能源经济系


时间: 530 ,星期三, 12:00-2:00



Varieties of markets (VOM): China ’s patterns of interaction with the global commodity markets of potash, iron ore and uranium



We stand at an interesting juncture, where rising economies such as India , China , and Brazil are starting to play increasingly systemically significant roles in the global economy. This presents us with an opportunity to investigate exactly how a systemically significant emerging state such as China impacts existing global market institutions. I do so through a study of the different patterns of interaction between China and the global commodity markets of potash, iron ore and uranium. Why has China developed different patterns of interactions with global commodity markets otherwise sharing important structural features? How can we theorize about the differential impacts a country such as China can have on the dynamic and institutional arrangements of different global commodity markets? I argue that the variation in Chinese engagement patterns towards distinct global markets is the result of a combination of system-level and domestic-level institutional setups. My work draws on the Varieties of Capitalisms literature, as I approach global commodity markets as distinct institutional systems, albeit ones that transcend national borders.


Pascale Massot is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver . Currently in Beijing for her field research, she is a Senior Visiting Student at Peking University and a Visiting Scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ( Institute of World Economics and Politics).

She specializes in comparative and international political economy and Chinese politics. More specifically, her research interests include the political economy of global commodity markets, Chinese state investments abroad, Canada-China relations, as well as non-traditional security issues.

能源经济研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官方 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供一个交流的平台,以促进我国能源经济的教学研究水平的提高。

联系人:宋枫([email protected]; [email protected])

 中国人民大学 新葡京官方 能源经济系