新葡京官方» 学术活动

The Sixth RUC-HYU Joint Symposium on

Policy Issues in Emerging Market Economies



May 10th, 2013

Beijing, China

Time: 9:00am-12:00am, May 10th, 2013

Venue: Room 734, School of Economics, Renmin University of China


09:00-09:20 Opening Ceremony

Chair: LIU Rui Associate Dean, School of Economics, RUC

YANG Ruilong  Dean, School of Economics, RUC

Myung-Jig Kim  Dean, College of Economics and Finance, HYU


09:20-10:30 Session 1

Chair: LIU Rui Associate Dean, School of Economics, RUC

“Cross-Border Bond Investment and Foreign Exchange Market Stability in Emerging Market Economies”

PARK Daekeun, Professor, College of Economics and Finance, HYU

A new type of dynamic input-output model with assets

ZHANG Hongxia, Associate Professor, School of Economics, RUC


Professor ZHENG Chaoyu, School of Economics, RUC

Professor Myung-Jig Kim, College of Economics and Finance, HYU

10:30-10:50 Coffee Break

10:50-12:00 Session 2

Chair: Professor Myung-Jig Kim, College of Economics and Finance, HYU

“Do shorter hours of work increase employment? The case of Korea” Cheolsung Park, Professor, College of Economics and Finance, HYU

"Transition of Middle-Income Trap in the Emerging Market Economies: Experiences, Lessons and Countermeasures"

SONG Lifang, Associate Professor, School of Economics, RUC


Assistant Professor ZHANG Chen, School of Economics, RUC

PARK Daekeun, Professor, College of Economics and Finance, HYU

12:00-12:20 Conclusion Discussion

Professor Heemoon Yoo, College of Economics and Finance, HYU

Professor LIU Rui, Associate Dean, School of Economics, RUC

Contact: Miley LV +86-10-62511058 Email: [email protected]