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6月7日新葡京官方 学术论坛通知

新葡京官方 学术论坛
主题:The effect of unit pricing on illegal dumping: Empirical evidence from the household electric appliance recycling program in Japan
主讲人:Kenji Takeuchi
时间:2007-6-7 下午3:40 -5:00
Unit pricing programs reduce wastes disposal and promote recycling but may increase illegal dumping. The effect of the unit programs on illegal dumping has not been formally analyzed because the data on illegal dumping is scarcely available. We utilize the municipality-level data of the illegal dumping of waste household electric appliances in Japan and analyze the effect of the pricing program. We find that the increase in the legal disposal cost leads to the increase in illegal dumping. We also find that the surveillance and report system is important for the prevention of illegal dumping.

Key Words: Wastes, Recycling, Illegal Dumping, Enforcement
JEL Classification: K42, K32, R20, Q58

Associate Professor Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University
Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University, 657-8501, Japan
EDUCATION Doctor of Economics Kyoto University 1997
AREAS OF INTEREST Environmental Economics Economic Instruments for Waste Management and Climate Policy Valuation of Environmental Policy
