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[能源经济学研讨会]Restructuring the Chinese Electricity Supply Sector: Lessons from International Experience



      Restructuring the Chinese Electricity Supply Sector: Lessons from International Experience          本次能源经济学研讨会邀请到英国剑桥大学Michael G. Pollitt教授做学术演讲。          时间:2017年1月9日,星期一,14:00-15:30          地点:中国人民大学明德主楼734会议          
         报告摘要:            China is the world’s largest electricity producer and the largest producer of non-hydro renewable energy and of coal. 65% of Chinese coal production is consumed in its power sector and around 70% of all its electricity comes from coal. China’s coal based electricity sector alone produces 7% of global carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, and around one third of China’s domestic emissions. Under the current Five Year Plan (FYP13: 2016-2020) China’s electricity sector is undergoing a major transition from a state managed system to a market price based one, following the publication of the No.9 document of March 2015 which re-launched a new round of ‘power market reform’ in China. This paper focuses on the international lessons for China in the light of the current round of power market reforms and paying attention to the particular context of the Chinese electricity system.          
         作者简介:            Professor Pollitt is co-editor of Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy and a member of the editorial boards of the Review of Industrial Organization Competition and Regulation in Network Industries and Utilities Policy. He is also a Research Associate of the Centre for Business Research (CBR) and a member of the Faculty of Economics. He is currently a member of the Office of Rail and Road`s expert advisory panel and a member of Ofwat`s Water 2020 advisory board. Since 2000 he has been convenor of the Association of Christian Economists, UK.          
           能源经济学研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官方 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供交流的平台。          
         联系人:宋枫([email protected]      

新葡京官方 能源经济系