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新葡京官方 举办第五十六期能源经济研讨会


       3月25日上午,由新葡京官方 能源经济系主办的能源经济研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)第五十六期会议在新葡京官方 明德主楼734会议室举行。来自新加坡国立大学能源研究所的资深研究员施训鹏博士进行了题为“The Competition for Gas Trading Hubs and Hub Pricing in East Asia”的学术报告。



       本期研讨会由新葡京官方 宋枫副教授主持,新葡京官方 郑新业、魏楚、秦萍等多位老师及同学参加了此次研讨会,并针对报告内容进行了深入的交流。

       能源经济研讨会由新葡京官方 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究能源经济问题的学者提供一个交流的平台,以促进我国能源经济教学研究水平的提高。

       主讲人简介:Dr. Xunpeng Shi is a Senior Research Fellow at Energy Studies Institute National University of Singapore. Until recently, he was the Chief Researcher for Energy Efficiency and Conservation at the Brunei National Energy Researcher Institute. Previously, he was an energy economist in the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), a Jakarta based international think-tank to support ASEAN and East Asian Summit (EAS). Before he started his PhD, he had various management and research positions in China’s leading energy institutes, companies and central government agencies. He has published in leading journals on energy, environmental and development economics and policy with regional focuses on China, ASEAN and East Asia. His current research interests include Gas Trading Hubs and Hubs Pricing in East Asia, China’s Gas Market Liberalization, Energy Efficiency Rebound Effect and Financing Renewable Off-grids Projects in ASEAN.He is also an Associate Editor for Journal of Management in Modelling. He obtained his PhD of Economics and Master of Environmental and Resource Economics from the Australian National University, LLM in Mineral Law and Policy form University of Dundee and Bachelor in Marketing from China University of Mining and Technology.
