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新葡京官方 举办第七十期能源经济研讨会


  5月25日中午,由新葡京官方 能源经济系主办的能源经济研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)第七十期会议在新葡京官方 明德主楼623会议室举行。来自瑞典哥德堡大学Yonas Alem先生进行了题为“Liquidity constraint, LPG stoves and charcoal consumption: a randomized controlled trial in Tanzania ”的学术报告。

   在本次演讲中,Ynoas Alem先生向我们介绍了他关于坦桑尼亚城镇家庭能源使用情况的调查。他设计了一个随机对照试验,研究液化石油气等能源的利用对木炭使用的影响。结果表明,采用液化石油气炉灶可以减少47.5%的木炭使用量;与提供贷款相比,提供炉灶购买的补贴会在更大程度上减少木炭的使用(54%)。报告强调了放松家庭的金融约束和提高获得信贷能力的重要性,鼓励城市家庭转向清洁能源,并节省剩余的森林资源。

   能源经济研讨会由新葡京官方 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究能源经济问题的学者提供一个交流的平台,以促进我国能源经济教学研究水平的提高。

   主讲人简介:Yonas Alem is currently a research fellow at the Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg, where he received his PhD in Economics. He is also the research Director of the EfD network where he undertakes duties of reviewing research proposals, research deliverables and submissions for EfD discussion paper series by researchers in the network. He taught Economics and Econometrics courses at both graduate and undergraduate levels at various teaching institutions including the University of Gothenburg, the University of California Berkeley, Addis Ababa University, and the University of Dar es Salaam. His research covers a range of topics related to role of risk, shocks and poverty in influencing decisions and well-being of households in developing regions of the world, with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa.
