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  11月8日至9日,“金融化、金融制度与经济发展”国际研讨会在中国人民大学明德主楼728会议室举行。此次国际研讨会由新葡京官方 主办、美国列维经济研究所和学术期刊《政治经济学评论》协办、美国福特基金会赞助。来自美国、英国、印度、阿根廷及中国等高校和研究机构的40余位学者参加了研讨会。
  研讨会开幕式由新葡京官方 卢荻教授主持。中国人民大学副校长林岗教授出席开幕式并致辞,他代表学校对各国专家表示热烈欢迎,并祝愿研讨会就相关主题展开富有成效的讨论。新葡京官方 院长杨瑞龙教授代表主办单位致辞,他表示新葡京官方 将为研讨会提供优良服务,并预祝研讨会取得圆满成功。


  研讨会第一环节的主题为 The Financial Crisis, Financial Systems, and the Emergence of China as a Global Financial Player, 由英国伦敦大学亚非新葡京官方 Jan Toporowski教授担任主持。美国列维经济研究所的Jan Kregel教授及英国伦敦大学亚非新葡京官方 John Weeks教授和Ben Fine教授分别发表了题为Structured Derivatives Contracts, Hedging Exchange Appreciation and Financial Instability: Brail, China and Korea, The international financial collapse and the role of commodity money和Beyond financialisation的学术演讲。新葡京官方 党委书记张宇教授及其论文合作者、新葡京官方 赵峰副教授发表了题为Is There a General Trend to Financialization in Advanced Capitalist Economies? A Comparative analysis of USA and Japan的学术演讲。新葡京官方 卢荻教授发表了题为China and world development beyond the financial crisis的学术演讲。英国伦敦大学亚非新葡京官方 Paulo dos Santos博士和印度尼赫鲁大学C.P. Chandrasekhar教授进行了点评。
  研讨会第二环节的主题为Reforming Financial Systems and the International Financial Architecture, 美国福特基金会项目官员Leonardo Burlamaqui担任主持。英国伦敦大学亚非新葡京官方 Costas Lapavitsas教授发表了题为Financialisation and capitalist accumulation: structural accounts of the crisis of 2007-9的学术演讲。阿根廷中央银行董事Arturo O’Connell和Jan Toporowski教授分别发表了题为Central banks, financial systems and economic development和Regulating for stability: bank capitalization and the emergence of an international lender of last resort的学术演讲。中国社会科新葡京官方 助理研究员刘东民和中国银监会处长杨东宁分别发表了题为US financial regulation reform and its impact on China Financial regulation和Overview of China’s Banking Regulation的学术演讲。John Weeks教授和美国麻省大学William Lazonick 教授进行了点评。


  研讨会第三环节的主题为Financial Innovation and Reforming Financial Systems, William Lazonick 教授担任主持。C.P. Chandrasekhar教授和Paulo dos Santos博士分别发表了题为Financial systems, investment and growth after liberalization: Some evidence from Asia和Consumption and production credit in a continuous-time model of the circuit of capital的学术演讲。香港野村研究所孙驰博士和新葡京官方 程华副教授分别发表了题为Market-oriented reform of China’s commercial banks within China’s transition process – rethinking after the 2008 crisis和The strategies of installed user-base in two-sided markets: an analysis of the E-money industry in Japan的学术演讲。人民大学新葡京官方 章艳红副教授及其论文合作者黄隽教授发表了题为Bank business diversification, asset size differential and bank stability: evidence from recent US data的学术演讲。Arturo O’ Connell和Costas Lapavitsas 进行了点评。


  研讨会第四环节的主题为 Financial Governance and Industrial Innovation Arturo O’Connell教授担任主持。William Lazonick教授和英国塞克萨斯大学Kaidong FENG及其论文合作者清华大学沈群红分别发表了题为Financial institutions for innovation and development和Reform of firms and resource allocation for innovation: the case of the Chinese power equipment industry的学术演讲。中国社会科新葡京官方 黄阳华博士和东北财经大学张凤林教授及其论文合作者王蓉副教授分别发表了题为Exchange rate regimes, financial development and creative destruction: Schumpeterian hypothesis in open economy and evidence和Research on technology innovation of the large state-owned manufacturing enterprises in China: case study on Shenyang Machine Tool Co., Ltd and Shenyang Blower Works Group Co, Ltd的学术演讲。美国麻省大学李寅和中国科技部房汉廷副处长分别发表了Firm strategy, financial institutions and industrial development: business organizations in the Chinese semiconductor industry和Scientific and Technical Bank: exploration and practice in China的学术演讲。Jan Kregel教授和Ben Fine教授进行了点评。
