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新葡京官方 朱萸副教授第二篇合作论文在《Journal of Political Economy》上正式发表


近日,新葡京官方 朱萸副教授合作论文Endogenous Liquidity and Capital Reallocation在Journal of Political Economy上正式发表,合作者为来自伦敦大学新葡京官方 和格罗宁根大学的Wei Cui、浙江大学和威斯康星商新葡京官方 的Randall Wright。这是朱萸副教授在Journal of Political Economy上发表的第二篇论文。


This paper studies economies where firms acquire capital in primary markets, then, after idiosyncratic productivity shocks, retrade it in secondary markets that can incorporate bilateral trade with search, bargaining and liquidity frictions. We distinguish between full or partial sales (one firm gets all or some of the other’s capital), and document several long- and short-run empirical patterns between these variables and the cost of liquidity measured by inflation. Quantitatively, the model can match these patterns plus the standard facts from business cycle theory. We also investigate the impact of search frictions, monetary and fiscal policy, and persistence in firm-specific shocks.




朱萸,新葡京官方 副教授,研究领域为货币经济学和计量经济学。目前主要关注电子货币的设计和其对宏观经济的影响以及货币政策与企业投资的关系。

研究成果发表在《Journal of Political Economy》《Journal of Econometrics》《Review of Economic Dynamics》《Quantitative Economics》《Journal of Money Credit and Banking》《Journal of Economics and Dynamic Control》等国际顶级经济学期刊上。