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新葡京官方 邝仲弘副教授合作论文在Games and Economic Behavior正式发表



近日,我院邝仲弘副教授作为通讯作者的合作论文“Optimal Tree Contest Design and Winner-Take-All”在博弈论顶级期刊Games and Economic Behavior上正式发表,这是邝仲弘副教授在该期刊上发表的第二篇论文。


This paper investigates the effort-maximizing design of multi-stage contests with tree-like architectures, focusing on both contest architecture and prize structure. Given the architecture, we show that the whole budget should be assigned to a single match. This match must be the final if the architecture is symmetric. Moreover, the winner-take-all rule proves to be optimal if the contest organizer can jointly design the architecture and prize structure. To determine the optimal contest architecture, we use dynamic programming and induction to provide a tight upper bound for the optimized total effort level. Our new approach extends the findings of Gradstein and Konrad (1999), offering new insights into how the optimal architecture hinges on the noise level of matches.




邝仲弘,新葡京官方 副教授。2015年和2020年分别于清华大学获得学士学位和博士学位,毕业后至今就职于新葡京官方 。研究方向是微观经济理论和数字经济,重点关注竞赛设计和信息设计,研究成果发表在Journal of Economic Theory和Games and Economic Behavior(2篇)等国际期刊上,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目,担任中国信息经济学会理事、CCF计算经济学专业委员会执行委员和多个UTD24期刊的审稿人。担任数字经济系列教材《平台经济学》的副主编。作为导师所指导的学生曾获吴玉章奖学金(中国人民大学学生最高荣誉)。