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人民大学新葡京官方 面向全球诚聘英才,热忱期待您的到来


新葡京官方 于1998年正式组建,其前身最早可以溯源至1939年陕北公学设立的政治经济学研究室,是新中国经济学科的重要奠基者与开拓者,是中国理论经济学科学研究、人才培养和社会服务的重要基地。

历经数十载风雨洗礼,新葡京官方 依旧奋进在时代前列,坚守“立学为民、治学报国”,朝着在建设“中国特色、世界一流”新葡京官方 的战略目标砥砺前行。

人民大学新葡京官方 现面向全球招聘英才,欢迎国内外优秀人才加盟我院,共创美好未来!招聘详情请见英文招聘信息。

The School of Economics at Renmin University of China, one of the top economics programs in China, is now inviting job applicants in all fields of economics at all ranks (assistant/associate/full professor). Junior candidates must have a PhD by August 2022 and provide evidence of promising research. Senior candidates must have a PhD and strong research record.

This salary is competitive and at the same level with top schools of economics in China. The School of Economics provides a competitive compensation package, along with other benefits, including a housing subsidy and research support.

The application deadline is December 1, 2020 or until the positions are filled. Applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, job market paper(s) , evidence of teaching effectiveness and three reference letters electronically through the JOE network. 

Application Requirements:

· Cover Letter

· CV

· Job Market Paper

· Teaching Evaluations

· Letters of Reference

Note: In the CV Letter title, please specify one of the six research areas you belong to in order for us to easier classify files.

The six classifications are:




Development economics,

Marxist Political Economy & Radical Political Economics

Economic History