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[世纪经英论坛]加拿大约克大学Tony Fang教授学术演讲会


加拿大约克大学Tony Fang教授学术演讲会

题目:Pay-For-Performance in Executive Compensation in China: 

The Role of State Ownership and Managerial Power

演讲人:Tony Fang(加拿大约克大学教授)


时间:2011年5月6日(周) 中午12:00-13:30


    He has a Ph.D. in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management from the University of Toronto. His areas of research interest encompass issues of compensation and benefits, high performance workplace practices, pension, retirement policy and the ageing workforce, education, immigration, and minimum wages, union impact on wages, innovation and firm growth, pay equity and employment equity. He has published in such journals as Industrial Relations (Berkeley), Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Public Policy, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Journal of Labor Research, International Journal of Manpower, Social Indictors Research, and Perspectives on Labour and Income. He also received numerous research grants and awards from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Human Resources and Social Development Canada.


联系人:牛睿  82500255 niurui(at)xpjofficial.net

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