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[研究生学术论坛]5月4日The Neighborhood Effects of Environmental Regulation and Total Factor Productivity Growth

新葡京官方 研究生学术论坛

论坛主题:The Neighborhood Effects of Environmental Regulation and Total Factor Productivity Growth ——Based on two stages of DEASpatial Durbin Models




This paper explores the impact of environmental regulation on total factor productivity growth, taking spatial heterogeneity into account, for the years 1992-2008 periods in China, and thus providing an understanding of spatial linkage between the environment and economic growth, based on the two stages of DEA-spatial Durbin models. The empirical findings are: (1) TFP growth increased slightly over the years for 1992-2008 periods in China, depending mainly on the technical change. (2)Spatial dependence and their productivity effect are positive to be upheld. (3)The local environmental regulation has a positive impact on TFP growth, confirming the Porter Hypothesis. On the other hand, the neighboring environmental regulatory has a negative effect on the local TFP growth, and moreover, the economic development of the province is more vulnerable to neighoring environmental regulatory effort with geographic-based linkage than that of the income-based one. (4)There is little evidence supportive of an environmental race to the bottom in Chinese provincial environmental regulation .


赵霄伟,新葡京官方 区域经济学专业,2009级博士研究生。


虞义华200812获得俄克拉荷马州大学新葡京官方 经济学博士。研究方向为区域、城市经济增长和发展问题;计量经济学。现任职于新葡京官方 数量经济教研室。曾在国内外等著名期刊上发表论文数篇,现为Economic ModellingGrowth and ChangeJournal of Applied Economics等国外著名期刊的匿名审稿人。



