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[新葡京官方 学术报告]Urban Growth and Land Development in Contrasted Environments: Driving Forces and Lessons for Regional Science
新葡京官方 学术报告通知 【报告题目】: Urban Growth and Land Development in Contrasted Environments: Driving Forces and Lessons for Regional Science
【时间】:2015年1月19日 星期一 下午15:00-17:00
【报告人】:Jean Claude Thill教授

【摘要】:Processes of urban growth are among the most fascinating to study given the past pace they experience in many parts of the world. They are also among the most complex to disentangle given their multifaceted nature. The “new” Urban World we live in may be seen as a break from the urban reality of the 20th century. This presentation will state some of the challenges of the multifaceted nature of new urban growth. It will then discuss in more detail the cases of land development in Beijing, PR China, and Charlotte, NC, underscoring the departures from standard thinking, and will conclude with some lessons for a more grounded study of urban growth and land development in Regional Science. 

【报告人简介】:Dr. Jean-Claude Thill, a famous professor of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is the Knight Foundation distinguished professor of public policy, the director of Project Mosaic which is a social science research initiative of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the editor-in-chief of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (SCI) and the immediate past-president of Regional Science Association International.
His main research fields are sustainable urbanization, transportation and mobility systems, geographic information science (GIS-T), spatial modeling, regional science, international comparative urbanization, and trade, cities, and globalization.
He is the 2012 recipient of the Edward L. Ullman Award for significant contributions to transportation geography, awarded by the Association of American Geographers. He has also received the Hirotada Kohno Award for outstanding service of the Regional Science Association International in 2012. Since 2013, he is a fellow of the Regional Science Association International.