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[能源经济学研讨会]Natural Disaster in Japan: Economy, Energy and Environment




Natural Disaster in Japan: Economy, Energy and Environment

    In this article we explore the recovery policies after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami comprehensively. By doing so, we assess how the disaster-affected cities` possession of their accommodation promotes the effectiveness of the policies. The Japanese National Police Agency reported that the incident caused 15,883 of deaths, 6,143 of casualties, and 2,681 of musings. The report also confirmed physical damage of 129,225 totally collapsed, and 269,454 half-collapsed buildings. Direct economic damage is about 5-7% of GDP. Besides these damages, the incident in Tohoku has significantly different aspect than other disasters, which is the major explosion of Fukushima nuclear power plant associated with the earthquake and tsunami. The leakage and contamination of radioactive have been affecting 12 cities and more than 8,8000 residents in Fukushima prefecture. The Tokyo Electric Power Company announced that they have a clear schedule to put the crisis under control and to deccomish the nuclear reactor, and that it takes 40 years to complete it. After the incident, the central government of Japan established Reconstruction Agency to replace Reconstruction Headquarters as a response to the incident created on June 24, 2011 and to support the local governments` recovery plans. The government prepared 25 million yen for the 5 years of the incident. The budget is allocated to four major projects of cleaning up the debris, reconstructing the damaged infrastructure, managing the nuclear related issues, and financial support for local businesses and employment creation in the disaster area. In the current two years, interestingly, there have been differences among the disaster areas in the magnitude of successfulness in recovery plans although some of them have experienced the same levels of devastation. The cities located in the southern area have recovered relatively faster than the one in the northern area. One of the goals of the recovery plans is to achieve fast and sustainable recovery of the disaster area. We focus on a source of difference in the magnitudes of recovery considering nuclear plant nearby areas (particularly energy and environmental challenges in addition to economic impacts), and propose the necessity for the local cities to have their potential accommodation as a part of preparing for the smooth recovery.
        马奈木俊介(Shunsuke Managi),现任日本东北大学环境科学研究科副教授,研究方向为资源与环境经济学,兼任学术期刊Environmental Economic and Policy Studies主编,Resource and Energy Economics副主编,以及其他多种期刊的编辑。同时又担任联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC)主要成员。其主要著作Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Improving the Environment for a Greener Future,由Edward Elgar Publishing出版。
        马奈木俊介副教授曾出版12部相关书籍,共发表百余篇学术论文,分别刊登于Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Land Economics,Environmental and Resource Economics,Journal of Regulatory Economics, Resource and Energy Economics,The Energy Journal,International Journal of Production Economics,Omega,Energy Economics,Environment and Development Economics, Ecological Economics,Economic Modelling,Agricultural Economics,Journal of Industrial Ecology, Energy Policy,and Physica A.等国际顶学术期刊。另外,其评论也曾发表在The Guardian等大众报刊,以及Science等生命科学期刊。近年来,被IDEAS/RePEc入选为“世界顶尖青年经济学家40人”,并于2012年8月,在亚洲经济学者中排名37位。

    能源经济学研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官方 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供一个交流的平台。 

联系人:宋枫([email protected])  

中国人民大学 新葡京官方 能源经济系