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[城市与区域经济学术沙龙]Impacts of Demographic Changes on Regional Economies



Impacts of Demographic Changes on Regional Economies
主讲人:Geoffrey J. D. Hewings,
(Emeritus Professor: Agricultural & Consumer Economics, Economics, Geography and Urban & Regional Planning,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
主讲人简介:Dr. Hewings’s major research interests lie in the field of urban and regional economic analysis with a focus on the design, implementation and application of regional economic models. He has devoted considerable time to the way in which these models might become useful in policy formation and evaluation. In addition to the continuing development of regional econometric-input-output models for a number of US states and metropolitan areas, Hewings is working on several modeling projects in Brazil , Colombia , Japan , Korea and Indonesia . Recent work in the Midwest, Brazil and Korea has focused on linking regional macro models with transportation network models to explore impacts of unexpected events (earthquakes), expansion of transportation infrastructure and the impacts of port efficiency. At the metropolitan scale, attention has been directed to the estimation of intra-metropolitan flows of goods, people, income and consumption expenditures within the Chicago region to measure the changing degree of interdependence. Theoretical work remains directed to issues of economic structure and structural change interpreted through input-output, social accounting and general equilibrium models. 
时间:2016年1月13日下午,3:00 -5:00