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[发展经济学研讨会 ]Love, Life, and Leftover Ladies in Urban China



【时间】 1月8日,星期五,12:00—13:30
【主题】:Love, Life, and Leftover Ladies in Urban China 

【主讲人】:尤婧(中国人民大学农业与农村发展新葡京官方 )
【摘要】:Marriage in urban China is featured by rising age at first marriage and declining marriage rates, especially among college educated professional females in their late 20s or in 30s. We exploit two nationally representative datasets over the period 2008-2012 and investigate the determinants of forming marriage for urban women aged 27 or above who are termed “leftover”. We estimate a recursive and dynamic mixed-equation model to describe women’s joint decisions on career, education and marriage. It considers various traits including demographic characteristics, wealth, work-related indicators, personality, attitudes and expectation, physical and facial attractiveness, leisure activities, personal and parents’ social status, local gender identity norms and marriage market conditions. We find “marital college-discount”: an undergraduate degree reduces the probability of marriage by 5%-6.3% and a doctoral degree further oppresses it by 8.4%-10.4%. Counterfactual analysis indicates monotonicity, complementarity and substitution in multidimensional matching patterns. Patriarchy still appears to prevail.

尤婧,2011年于英国曼彻斯特大学获经济学博士,现为中国人民大学农业与农村发展新葡京官方 副教授,剑桥大学访问研究员(Visiting Fellow,2014-2016),研究方向为发展经济学、应用微观经济学和微观计量经济学。在World Development、Health Economics、Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics等国际知名SSCI期刊发表论文14篇,在中文核心期刊《中国农村经济》发表论文1篇,国际出版英文专著两部,主持国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科基金、英国科新葡京官方 和联合国世界发展经济学研究所等资助的国内外科研课题十几项。

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新葡京官方 2016年1月2日