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[数量经济学研讨会]Adaptive Combination method of OLS and GLS Model Averaging Estimators



主题:Adaptive Combination method of OLS and GLS Model Averaging Estimators
Abstract:In order to avoid the risk of misspecification between homoscedastic and heteroscedastic models, we propose a combination method based on OLS and GLS model averaging estimators. The novelty of the proposed method is that it combines estimators from two different estimation methods OLS and GLS, whereas other alternative model averaging methods are based only on either OLS or GLS estimators. To select the optimal weights for combination we derive an information criterion and propose its feasible version. The optimality of our method is proved under some regularity conditions. The results of Monte-Carlo simulation show that our method is adaptive in the sense that we achieve almost the same estimation accuracy as if homoscedasticity or heteroscedasticity of the error term is known.

刘庆丰简介:日本国立小樽商科大学经济学副教授,日本京都大学经济研究所访问副教授。2007年获得日本京都大学经济学博士,2008年在美国普林斯顿大学做博士后研究。研究领域为计量经济理论与方法,其研究成果发表在Econometrics Journal, Econometric Reviews, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation等多个国际专业杂志上。

新葡京官方 数量经济学教研室 2014年9月9日

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