[国民经济学Seminar]How am I driving? Social comparisons and driving behavior
主讲:陆方文 副教授
主题:How am I driving? Social comparisons and driving behavior
摘要: In a large-scale field experiment, we sent text messages of varying social information to drivers in Tsingtao, China, who received at least one ticket in the first nine months of 2013. Our results show that drivers with an above-average number of violations reduce their future violations by 6% after receiving information on the average number of violations for drivers of their own car brand. Furthermore, men are most influenced by information on what drivers of high-status cars do, reducing their future violations by 7%. Of these, the largest effect comes from men who drive an economy car, reducing their violations by 15%.
演讲者介绍:陆方文,新葡京官方 副教授,2011年美国加州大学伯克利分校经济学博士毕业,主要领域为发展经济学、行为经济学,擅长随机田野实验设计。在Journal of Labor Economics 和Journal of Development Economics 等杂志上发表学术论文多篇。
新葡京官方 2014年9月10日