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题目Limit theory and Inference in Non-Cointegrated Functional Coefficient Regression

主讲博士 奥克兰大学博士




Functional coefficient (FC) cointegrating regressions offer empirical investigators flexibility in modeling economic relationships by introducing covariates that influence the direction and intensity of comovement among nonstationary time series. FC regression models are also useful when formal cointegration is absent, in the sense that the equation errors may themselves be nonstationary, but where the nonstationary series display well-defined FC linkages that can be meaningfully interpreted as correlation measures involving the covariates. The present paper proposes new nonparametric estimators for such FC regression models where the nonstationary series display linkages that enable consistent estimation of the correlation measures between them. Specifically, we develop root-n-consistent estimators for the functional coefficient and establish their asymptotic distributions, which involve mixed normal limits that facilitate inference. Two novel features that appear in the limit theory are (i) the need for non-diagonal matrix normalization due to the presence of stationary and nonstationary components in the regression; and (ii) random bias elements that appear in the asymptotic distribution of the kernel estimators, again resulting from the nonstationary regression components. Numerical studies reveal that the proposed estimators achieve significant efficiency improvements compared to the estimators suggested in recent work by Sun et al. (2011). Easily implementable specification tests with standard chi-square asymptotics are suggested to check for constancy of the functional coefficient. These tests are shown to have faster divergence rate under local alternatives and enjoy superior performance in simulations than tests proposed recently in Gan et al. (2014).


王莹2017博士毕业于北京大学光华管理新葡京官方 商务统计与经济计量系随后在奥克兰大学Peter Phillips进行博士后工作的主要研究兴趣理论计量应用计量金融计量。她的研究工作已经发表Econometric ReviewsOxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics期刊上有多篇论文计量经济学Journal of Econometrics修改过程



