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主讲人:何世荣  丹佛大学经济学名誉教授




The Great Recession that began in 2008 ushered in a new round of debate on the usefulness of industrial policies (IPs). Referring to the round that occurred in the Classical period as the starting point and utilizing a distinction between two types of division of labour (DoL) in Smith’s Wealth of Nations, this talk critically examines the history of that debate. DoLfg analysis (DoL with final good specialization and trade) has garnered an overwhelming portion of economists’ attention in the history of analysis, culminating in the formulation of general equilibrium analysis, with its notion of market failures that has become the basis of the theory of commercial policy. It has fixated the IP debate on free trade versus protectionism, export promotion against import substitution, or putting an undue emphasis on joining global value chains versus approaches that do not ignore the importance of building domestic value chains. Unlike DoLfg analysis that drastically simplifies the portrayal of technologies and how learning occurs, DoLop analysis (DoL with some details of how production is divided into various operations and processes) pays careful attention to how the use of different technologies is organized and coordinated through DoL at the level of firms, industries and the economy. A country’s system of production, should it remain disarticulated, can prevent the country from cultivating a system of innovation that is essential for its development. It suggests an urgency in adopting some forms of IP broadly and sensibly to engender development.


何世荣,美国丹佛大学经济学名誉教授,获斯坦福大学经济学博士及香港大学经济学学士学位,研究兴趣为贸易与发展、经济思想史和产业政策,研究成果发表在Cambridge Journal of Economics、Review of Political Economy、Contributions to Political Economy、Journal of Economic Issues、Metroeconomica、Forum for Social Economics、UN Chronicle等期刊,并担任其中大部分期刊的编委。著有《重新思考贸易和商业政策理论:发展视角》、《工业发展与劳动分工:一个分析史》等。